I'm still not convinced that it's practical to cut off *all* Asian immigration.

Surely, it should be feasible to only permit high IQ, right-leaning Asians to immigrate to the West. That'd be a great way to gain the best of both worlds. https://zerocontradictions.net/faqs/immigration#unfavorable-races

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As a productive, right-leaning Asian immigrant, I agree😂😊

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Right on! I have Asian ancestry as well, since both of my parents are hapas. White nationalists like Arctotherium need to understand racial nationalism cuts off people who are largely on their side.

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Yup. It's more productive to win the culture war at home than exclude talented immigrants- these cultures aren't inherently liberal.

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Many or most people who consider themselves part of the "dissident right" acknowledge that there are meaningful differences in the average physical endowments inherited by the members of different ethnic groups, that because humans are corporeal beings, these physical differences affect the mind as much as anything else, and that those who deny these propositions are deceiving themselves (or others).

These views are proscribed in the modern West, and articulating them is thus strongly discouraged by authority figures and society at large. I've observed that among those who are, nonetheless, willing to articulate these views, there is a subset of people who tend to invert the ban: not only is it true that there are meaningful, inherited, physical differences between ethnic groups, but ALL meaningful differences between ethnicities MUST be inherited and physical.

Among this subset, many will say that culture -- practices that are learned rather than inherited -- simply makes no difference. Those who find it hard to assert this with a straight face will sometimes acknowledge that culture makes a difference, but then argue that culture is DETERMINED by physical endowment.

Anyone with personal experience of multiple generations of multiple, co-located, large, and extended families would know that (a) it is false that there are NO meaningful, heritable, physical differences among them and (b) it is false that ALL meaningful differences are heritable and physical. Most of us in the West no longer have this kind of personal experience, however.

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I’ll have to dig it up, but a large proportion of the “startups“ created by Indians were fake, thereby artificially boosting the supposed impact.

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Britons think that because Australia has 'stopped the boats' and has a 'points-based immigration system' it's some kind of success story (I suspect they're inclined to see it so because they yearn after its 'loooooovely hot weather').

Truth is it's an authoritarian disaster zone with social monitoring and police repression of speech probably worse--because population more concentrated--than even the yookay or Canada. Asians of all kinds are quite happy under this system, as lamentably are many old stock Anglo-Celtic Australians. Much of the opposition, such as it is, comes from second generation immigrants such as Croats and Lebanese.

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You put an awful lot of work into disproving the wrong argument. The best argument for skilled immigration isn’t increasing GDP and economic progress via high IQ.

The best argument is actually much simpler, and much more urgent: we need technological superiority, or at least competitiveness, with other superpowers or potential superpowers. If/when a conflict with China comes, everything will come down to who has the better weapons. This is unromantic and disappointing as much as it is indisputable.

I don’t want a war. I wish wars were still won by courage and cleverness instead of machines and missiles. But none of what I (or you) want matters. This is the reality: we can recruit the very best minds in the world and hustle like hell to stay ahead, or we can fall behind. If you love and want to preserve America so badly, consider what seems worse: a gradually more Asian electorate, or a century of being pushed around by the Chinese because we know we have no other choice.

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The subtext of this article is that very specific political views are genetically determined, which is nonsense. Yes, it has been shown that where you are on the left-right spectrum is partly hereditary, but views on specific policies are highly malleable over time within this spectrum.

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“The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils.” - Enoch Powell

This is too negative. Failing to achieve an achievable good is just as objectionable as failing to prevent a preventable evil.

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Hey you mind if I ask you a question I saw a blog attacking Donald Trump a mass immigration and I'm not an expert on it could I ask you to look at it or respond to it would you mind

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Hey this might seem off topic but I saw a blog attacking Trump a mass immigration and I'm not an expert on this could I ask you to take a look at that blog and give me your thoughts

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